Bear Geotechnical Consultants has successfully completed projects around South Africa as well as in Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique in a range of geotechnical environments. Here are some of our completed projects:
Boss Mining Concentrator Kakanda, Democratic Republic of Congo We carried out the initial foundation investigation and material investigation and later monitored the construction of the plant site and material usage
Mkuju River Project Tanzania Initial foundation investigation and material investigation
SKA Project Northern Cape, South Africa Geotechnical investigation for the proposed MeerKAT, MeerKAT alternative and SKA K3 Facility
Mogale Cluster Gold Mine tailings storage facilities Geotechnical investigation and founding recommendations for the TSF structures as well as pit slope stability assessment for West Wits open pit for Epoch Resources and Mogale Cluster Gold Mine
Two Rivers Merensky Concentrator Geotechnical investigation and founding level recommendations for the proposed mine infrastructure of DRA Global at the Two Rivers Mine
Der Brochen Project Geotechnical investigation for detailed design of the mine infrastructure for DRA Global and Anglo Platinum as well as slope stability analysis and design of the box cut and terraces
Residential Developments Multiple geotechnical and dolomite stability investigations for multi-storey residential development projects throughout the Gauteng province for M&T Developments