Bear Geo Consultants work closely with developers, property owners, town planners, civil engineers, structural engineers, contractors and project managers within the civil, roads, housing and mining industries.
We provide geotechnical services throughout South Africa and in various African countries. These services include, but are not limited to:
Foundation investigations
Significant and costly failures in recent years have emphasized the need for thorough foundation investigations for new structures. These would include:
• multi story buildings (including basements)
• houses
• artificially surfaced playing fields
• mines and industrial structures such as silos, mills and processing plants
Dolomite stability studies and risk management systems
Dolomite stability investigations are aimed at determining the potential for sinkholes and subsidences to develop. Bear Geo Consultants helps its clients understand these sites from a geotechnical perspective and to develop practical engineering solutions to mitigate the risk of the impact of sinkholes and subsidences on developments.
The outcome of the stability investigation establishes the hazard level and determines the type of development that will be allowed as well as the density of development. These are carried out as required by SANS 1936 dolomite risk management systems can be developed for the client in accordance with the standard.
Slope stability investigations (numerical modelling)
Bear Geo Consultants can undertake a geotechnical mapping and assessment to determine the properties of the soil, rock and groundwater to develop a model of the slope, and resulting cost – effective design. Cost effective designs are created through the development of geotechnical models for slope design and optimisation.
NHBRC (Phase 1 and Phase 2) geotechnical investigations
Phase 1
Housing developments must be registered with the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC). Geotechnical investigations identify problems soils such as expansive clays, collapsible soils and dolomite. A map is produced detailing the nature and extent of these problem soils. This work is used by town planners and developers to optimise the layout and type of development.
Phase 2
After phase 1 is completed, a second phase of geotechnical investigations is required. This is best conducted when services are being installed and continuous soil profiles are exposed in the trenches. The aim here is to refine the boundaries of the geotechnical zones that were reported in phase 1 and confirm the nature of the soils within each zone. Every stand can then be given an appropriate geotechnical designation, resulting in the best possible foundation solution.
Centreline surveys (powerlines, roads, pipelines and canals)
Centreline investigations are critical for planning routes and designing appropriate foundation and/or trenching techniques. Bear Geo Consultants has conducted numerous surveys for powerlines in South Africa, working with ESKOM standards.
Location of material sources
Bear Geo Consultants conducts exploration, sampling, laboratory testing, and development of borrow pits and hard rock quarries for use in construction.
Materials investigations for pavement construction
Determining soil properties and characteristics of in situ soils to be used in pavement layers. This is critical to the successful design and construction of roads and terraces.
Investigation of damaged buildings
Bear Geo Consultants assist in unearthing the geotechnical causes for distress in structures. This typically involves the investigation of foundation conditions and the dimensions of existing footings, as well as the potential contribution of external factors such as abnormal soil moisture conditions, tree roots, leaking services. We also provide geotechnical remediation solutions for soil improvement.
Land use (terrain) evaluation
Sites can be divided into zones where similar geotechnical conditions can be expected. This is done by using a combination of remote sensing (geophysics and air photo interpretations) and ground truthing (site walk overs and limited fieldwork). These evaluations assist in the initial planning and costing of projects and developments. Furthermore, we provide building remediation solutions and Geotech soil improvements.
Evaluation of sites for cemeteries and solid waste disposal
This is required for new waste disposal sites and cemeteries, to ensure that the site is feasible and to eliminate pollution of underlying soils and groundwater. We work closely with environmental experts and municipal authorities in achieving environmentally sustainable cemetery and waste development sites.